R3X VM options

The Virtual Machine can accept several options from the command line, this document will provide a list of these commands and a brief description and their usage.

The following are the options that can be passed to "rxvm":

Using the configure script feature

If you do not like using the command line and instead want to directly pass the your settings to the VM through a file, you can use the "-rs" option to pass the configure script's path to the VM. Note that all your command line settings will be overwritten by those in the configuration file.

Configure script syntax

executable: "[exename]"
Specify executable name.

args: "[args]"
Specify arguments

font_file: "[font name]"
Specify font file name (Must be a PNG-Bitmap font: 128x128, 256x256, 512x512)

font_height: [integer value]
Specify font height

font_width: [integer value]
Specify font width

font_scale: [float value]
Specify font scale

screen_width: [integer value]
Specify screen width (in pixels)

screen_height: [integer value]
Specify screen height (in pixels)

stack: [integer value]
Specify max stack size

End of Script

An example script

Below is an example of running args.exe with the appropriate options:
executable: "args.exe"
font_height: 16
font_width: 16
font_scale: 1.0f
args: "hello, world!"
(NOTE: The "end:" is not needed, but is recommended.)
You can also use enviroment variables in strings, for example executable: "$EXEC_FILE_NAME" will set the executable to the enviroment variable pointed by "EXEC_FILE_NAME".